Strict adherence to the orthodoxy of genre is one of the more depressing methodologies of music making that there is. Many a band full of great musicians has fallen prey to painting by the numbers music making, immediately removing from the music the only real reason that there is for making it in the first place: self expression. We tend to stay away from those kinds of music makers here at the Hassle. I say all this to point out why THE PEOPLES TEMPLE is special. They manage to have a real reverence for a number of psychedelic era sounds, but the music is also intangiblely marked by their own stamp. Their sources of inspiration (Nuggets style psych and garage rock, Roky, VU) are woven together, rather than simply copied, alongside their own tendencies into a new (not radically different but different) musical fabric. These sons of Lansing, MI released a record late last year on HOZAC called MORE FOR THE MASSES. It’s full of garage pop tunes, and shambling rock songs all delivered in a generally mellow manner, with occasional guitar lead asides. “One Million To One” is one of the darker tinged songs, fuzz riffs, and sinister chorus melody built atop an insistent beat, a real garage rock tune from hell. It’s impressive the number of different song approaches presented across the album’s 14 tracks. Take the opportunity to see these guys live as they descend upon Radio bar in Somerville for a show we’re putting on tomorrow night (4/1) which also just happens to be the release show for Boston Compass #39 the April edition.