MONKEYBONE is the unknowable electronic wunderkind known as GOBBY, beloved New York City sometimes, Boston sometimes techno freak; know this straight out of the gate, please! THE ROOMMATE is the first release (and is self released) by MONKEYBONE. The album is 4 tracks (one obscenely and obscurely stretching to 25 minutes long) of techno weirdness that only a GOBBY could provide. Except for “The Lost Charger Fight”, the 25 minute track, which would more aptly be called a fucked up rhythmic noise suite full of samples and every kind of wobbly, outsider rhythm.
GOBBY has made his reputation through regularly recapitulating his mastery of myriad electronic music forms through his unique and modern underground/aboveground culture filter. THE ROOMMATE is no different. Here, as MONKEYBONE, GOBBY lays out a narrative-ly consistent concept record of sorts interspersed amid some tight as hell oddball techno. The story is a bad roommate tale, which matches really well with the sounds of MONKEYBONE. Is GOBBY really that bad of a roommate? We may never know for certain, but I have my suspicions (sorry GOBBY). “His Party Mess” is the hot ticket on this one. Bouncy frog croak beat, all sorts of just plain weird, unidentifiable sounds coming together, joined in syncopation by thy electronic lord GOBBY, errr MONKEYBONE. SIR MONKEYBONE.