The public has spoken: summer is here. Sure, the season doesn’t actually start for another few weeks, and it’s only fitfully even been warm enough to go out without a sweatshirt, but after a brutal winter which lasted roughly a million billion months and drove the entire city to the point of babbling, Lovecraftian madness, we’ll take what we can get, okay? When you have to deal with a public transit system straight out of Snowpiercer every morning just to get to work, sixty degrees and partly cloudy quickly becomes classified as “beach weather.” So it’s summer. Let’s do this.
Fortunately, Somerville’s beloved Bloc 11 Cafe is right there with you. Tonight marks the beginning of their weekly outdoor movie series: every Monday, from now until it gets too cold out (which will NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN you guys), the Bloc will project a classic film in their exceedingly lovely courtyard. This month, the selections are roughly themed around anniversary milestones, including the fortieth of Jaws, the thirtieth (plus one) of The Neverending Story, the thirtieth of Back to the Future, and the twenty-fifth (plus one) of Tim Burton’s Batman (last week’s scheduled twentieth anniversary screening of Clueless was rained out, possibly by the tears of a generation realizing how old they are). All screenings are FREE, with homemade buttered popcorn for just $3 a bag, plus full kitchen menu until 9:00. So put on your shorts, come out, and enjoy the crap out of this summer. We’ve earned it, damn it.
All screenings begin at 8:30 PM (weather permitting)
Steven Spielberg
124 min.
The Neverending Story
dir. Wolfgang Petersen
102 min.
Back to the Future
dir. Robert Zemeckis
116 min.
dir. Tim Burton
126 min.
Bloc 11 Cafe
11 Bow Street
Somerville, MA 02143