SWIFTUMZ has just put out an album full of pop rock songs, many of the very catchy variety. Amidst the pop their are diversions into the strange and fuzzy, and at time these two strains overlap. Essentially this San Francisco band(one man band) has given us an unpretentious piece of underground power pop and it feels really good. “4EVA” is a sweet little pop song pushed along by a very bouncy bass line. “If You Were Mine” a lower fi version of the same kind of song, manages to rock a bit amidst the swirl of fuzzy guitars. “Drift Apart” the closer enters into the realm of dance beats and PM DAWN style lush vocalizations. This often sounds like what underground pop sounded like maybe in the late 90s or around there. Good times.
MORE: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Swiftumz/136749736372949