Fresh Stream



Black Dice are a seminal experimental electronic noise group. Based in Brooklyn, these sonic weirdos have been producing some of the best ball-busting beats since the turn of the century. Spanning an insane breadth of styles with their music, the trio of Eric Copeland, Bjorn Copeland and Aaron Warren has constantly reinvented themselves. From piercing noise punk, they evolved into ambient psych pop drone outs before growing ever more active, ever searching for that heaviest far out schizo synth loops attacks. They eventually moved toward deconstructed dance beats with heavy hip-hop influences. Their newest venture into new, unchartered seas of sonic sludge, Mr Impossible (Ribbon Music), branches off into several directions, while always maintaining that most singular of attributes, a driving yearnful groove. Simultaneously broken and building, these tracks explore the raw edges of heavy rock, distorted yelps and polyrhythmic patterns of post punk and no-wave, and even the space psych highs of pure synth visions briefly emerging before returning to a garbled mess of samples blurred into the infinite. Ultimately words fall short to embody the perpetual movement and spirit of this amazing group, especially in the controlled imporovisations of their live performances. Oh wait, aren’t they playing in Boston tomorrow at BATV in Brookline? Hmmmm…

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