“(don’t wanna be) One of the Boys” by New Hampshire’s Heavy Pockets is powerful in both sound and content. Musically, the song is a simple combination of uncomplicated chords, but the straightforward, driving sound really drills in the frustrated nature of the subject matter.
Heavy Pockets’ frontwoman, Shayla Riggs, wrestles with the modern definition of femininity as she sings I don’t feel like a girl much, but I don’t want to be one of the boys. How can a woman reject the traditional feminine values without rejecting the gender altogether and defaulting to being “one of the boys”? It’s a delicate balance and an unanswered question that “(don’t wanna be) One of the Boys” seeks to find.
The song takes on a serious social topic while presenting passionate, upfront indie rock—the result is inspiring and infectious. When modern femininity needs to be defined, perhaps we should be turning to the talented artists of Heavy Pockets for the beginning of the answer.