You mean we’re supposed to wait all the way until the 31st to get scary? Fuck that! Halloween is making an early appearance this year thanks to a spooktacular cover show and costume party tonight at @Rosebud Diner, Somerville’s hard rock haven. Providing the music to get you movin’ this evening are a gaggle of our favorite garage heads, including the haunting and beautiful rawkscapes of FAT CREEPS, the raucous bro-fi punk elegance of EARTHQUAKE PARTY!, unapologetic squealing and fuzzing thanks to FEDAVEES, and the progressive garage-funk steamroller known as THE FAGETTES. But tonight there is a twist: None of these homies will be putting on an original set! Nirvana, The Ramones, T Rex and Wipers are the bands to be honored, but who will perform as who? Better get your ass down here and find out. Finally, rounding out the night is special guest DJ JOY BOOTER who will spin it sinister ’til the club’s gotta close. Come hail Satan with all your friends! The festivities begin at 8pm, and you better come in costume. Bring a dozen donates and support local frightfests! FB EVENT
Nineteen Pages: The Oral History of Drop Nineteens 1989-2024
As it happened, the winds of change brought Drop Nineteens’ founder Greg Ackell to Boston from Northfield Mount Hermon, a coed boarding…