“New England’s resident punk weirdos” FUNERAL CONE made a video. Shit’s lo-fi and casual. The song that gets the vid treatment “ABBA.C.A.B.” is off their Kill A Ghoulie For Julie EP which was released on the legendary 100% Breakfast Records at some point last year. The FUNERAL CONE sound is a kind of timeless street punk (w/ keyboards), but I assure you, this is (relatively) new music. This one even has a slight girl group-ian bridge. The main lyrical thrust of “ABBA.C.A.B.” is about the joy of touring (in a van, w/ one’s friends) which is a bittersweet pill to swallow right about now. We can all hope for the future though, right? Mouthpiece Dan Wars made the video which is done up collage-style and represents these havers of fun very well. Keep hanging in there everyone.
2023 YEAR ENDER – Father Alexander
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