Fresh Video




Very far up there, maybe even right there on top, amongst your modern day bands doing their daily exercises using the methods laid out by the thinking folks who initially reacted to punk (the post-punks that is), UV RACE proudly stands. Their pop is a shambling one, with psychedelic guitar solos spilled on top of drum and bass grooves so repetitively intoxicating that they will leave your daddy’s lawn ripped up for some time to come. The vocalist of this awesome Australian band speak sings to us as the band bashes productively behind him. Seriously there’s been a lot of great shamble punk, and post-punk, and other sweetly skewed (at least to American ears) takes on related forms spewing out of Australia in recent times, and UV RACE have just (late 12′) released one of the finer documents of what has been happening over there, their third (or maybe it’s their 4th) full length RACISM. Simple guitar and bass riffery, deadpan vocals, and whatever else works is the recipe and they know how to make it all work together so well. And they’ve made it work better than ever on RACISM. “Life Park” the video is the day in the life of a skinhead with some strange friends. The song itself is a wonder of mid-tempo “walkin’ punk”, with some well placed keyboard interjections and one of those great choruses that shouldn’t stay with you , but does. This Melbourne band includes members of other sweet bands like Lower Plenty, and Total Control. RACISM out on IN THE RED. And oh yeah did I mention that we’re helping Ride The Snake put on a show for these folks on 5/20 @ Obrien’s?? You should definitely be there. And I should also shout out that Ride The Snake, that very exciting little Cambridge, MA label, has also recently released a split 7″ between UV RACE and another great Australian band, NATIVE CATS that you could listen to: HERE.

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