Spray Paint are a two-guitar and drums “avant-punk” trio from Austin, Texas. This song, taken from their S/T LP from S-S Records, is a burning and jagged mess of angular and shambling post-punk. Spray Paint’s music is reminiscent of DIY pioneers such as The Urinals or a number of bands from the exceedingly fertile late-70’s/early 80’s British DIY post-punk scene, such as the Androids of Mu or The Raincoats, though maybe not so much in sound as in their joyfully amateur approach to making punk rock. Churning away under unison vocals sing-speaking what seem to be nonsensical lyrics, the guitars absolutely make this 7.” These two creative rockers alternate between clean toned and warbly shards and creating a surprising amount of noise as the song plows forward, driving the repeated disjointed riff into your consciousness. Though the guitars are a standout, the drummer is no slouch, starting the song with the simple, plodding (in a good way), yet driving drums and ending with washy crashes as the song gains momentum. All-in-all, this is a super enjoyable tune, and I will definitely be checking out what these guys came up with on the LP, as it promises to be a fun, strange, and refreshing listen.
And check out these other two tunes from their S/T LP: