Fresh Stream




I hadn’t heard of NYC’s DICHROICS prior to their new record SHORT DIRTY THREADS tearing away from the vastness of empty space and colliding with and entering my universe. I’m glad this happened, and I am glad that this band exists. As indie rock (a tough term to throw around I know, but I think you understand that I mean those inter-connected rock genres that initially ebbed and flowed, expanded and contracted say roughly 85′ – 95′ or so) shows itself more and more in the nooks and crannies of the output of today’s rock enthusiasts, the broad form gathers more attention and both innovators and modern day practitioners have more light shed upon the results of their blood, sweat, and tears. A band like DICHROICS is releasing a sick album (their second self released affair) at a great time to do so. The sounds of the indie rock era are in the air, and it smells an awful lot like it may very well be the last great rock movement for at least a little while (I’d wager longer even, but I don’t want to be that guy who only seems to be able to look backward). SHORT DIRTY THREADS is full of the coming of age sounds in my life (32 years old) that turned my underground music purview from basically just shitty (and some good) punk to, “oh wow”, there’s tons of other kinds of outside the box weirdos making music who don’t have mohawks/shaved heads. And I don’t mean to paint this record or its music simply. No, this is an interesting take on the form. Jangly, dissonant plod-pop is present in an awesome way, but sideways excursions outside the realm of pop song structure occur routinely here. Experimental rock moves are a deep woven part of the fabric. Different vocal and guitar effects come and go, well thought out in their use. Effective. “Dymaxion Shuffle” features some beautiful guitar playing, divided up by paralyzing fits of psychedelia. An indie-punk gem shines in the “The Invisible Floor”, with it’s winding dual guitar theatrics atop a rhythm section folding in on itself. It’s latter half of silence and squall. These guys have been at it for a while it appears, and whatever they have been doing to hone their craft it has worked. I look forward to listening to their first record and hopefully having them up to Boston at some point to play to a no doubt appreciative audience.

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