Fresh Stream

ASHLEY PAUL – Line The Clouds


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A few months ago now ASHLEY PAUL released a new record called LINE THE CLOUDS. REL RECORDS brought this latest recording by the current Brooklyn-ite, and former Boston and Providence resident into the world, and it is full of moments hovering about at the cross section of a delicate and melodic folk song cycle and an experimental work of sound art. ASHLEY PAUL is well known in these parts and much more widely as a shining light in the world of modern composition and experimental music. Her collaborations have been many and varied and her collaborators (Geoff Mullen , Anthony Coleman, and her husband Eli Keszler to name a few) speak to the high regard in which PAUL herself is held. Voice, saxophone, and guitar come to the forefront of the sounds found on LINE THE CLOUDS, but that is just the surface. Beyond the fragile melodies a scraping, industrial thud can be heard on many tracks. The album’s spectrum includes atonal sound experiments all the way through gorgeous guitar passages and on to full on sax skree. This is truly my kind of album. It hits the experimental notes, and perhaps will cause the less adventurous listener to turn away. But it also takes on melody front and center; is unafraid of being beautiful, which it most certainly is at times. Such real exploration of the depth of beauty and ugliness in music, and all this on the same record, gets me pretty psyched. Below you will find the stream for “Soak The Ocean” from LINE THE CLOUDS. A gentle lullaby accompanied by a similarly gentle guitar winds along as bowed cymbals and other clatter create an uneasy backdrop. This is experimental indie pop, neither side of that musical odd couple giving in fully to the other, resulting in beauty and mystery. Get a hold of this one folks.

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