There are times when a sense of cosmic doom cannot be ignored. They are spraying living engineered organisms on us all.
We are their subjects. “We”. Is there a We anymore? The phrase “break-away civilization”. Philip K. Dick wrote of the slave mines on Mars. Can you really argue with his hypothesis? Who have you known that has died from their poison? Chew-Z. It bestows the user with the mind of it’s creator.
Limitless decay and aberration. Society falls to pieces. The animals showing themselves for the tribal primitives and charlatans they are. No loyalty. No need for life. Locked in a cage. Drugged up and distracted. Sentenced to life in this hellworld. Nothing is real. We murder and dissect what is real and honest.
That is “We”. The great destroyer within us all. Satan? We are older than Satan. We are older than Christ. A devouring hatred. A lust for nothing. For the end of all existence. To quote Peter Christopherson: “You can’t stop it.”
This makes honesty and camaraderie all the more potent. And yet, through the slightest err and cracks in the facade of dignity the poison spreads and infects everything. There is no escape. Only emptiness.
[Be so kind as to not cut yourself]