Formidable psych punkers from down around, somewhat under, where that plane went and vanished (they’re from Australia, ok?), EASTLINK, have finally elbowed their way on into OUR country, America the FREE, with a Long Playing album. IN THE RED is doing the duties (in America @ the very least), and when you’re band features members of bands like TOTAL CONTROL, and UV RACE, that’s the great label that your record comes out on. Psychedelic fire is burning in the bellies of these men, 4 guitars deep they go. A few videos already exist for songs that if you go looking for, you’ll find, on the s/t EASTLINK LP (formerly, maybe the LP was called MULLUM MULLUM). Slop-tastic psychedelic punk rock you want it!!!!!!!!!!!
“Spring St” rips it up in a CRASS-psych way, that’ll leave you scratching at your head for more, and then you’ll realize that you’re standing outside and your pants are down. Luckily, you will also have a video of “Dinnerchat” (which Patrick wrote about her on the Hassle a while back) to play on your IPAD as you figure out how to put your pants back on (where is your belt? where are your buttons, your zipper?). Slow burner that one, inter-dimensional fuzz-groove. I would love to hear EASTLINK play SPACIN’ in the NBA FINALS someday.
But for now, just be happy that you can listen to this Melbourne band’s new record, because they made it, and it thus exists (because of them).