The enigmatic duo of dstr$ and Bdr!ppyy only have a few songs released on Soundcloud together (though Bdr!ppyy’s page is a little more extensive), but their guttural approach to music bodes well up against $ecret’s mariachi-style horns on “Pink Slips.” Together, the three artists parade through hell in their respective SRTs and Palm Angel track pants as if they are the ringleaders of some infernal ceremony. The husky vocal approach isn’t the most original or nuanced of styles, but the chorus is stickier than your fingers after a green pack and the production is quirky enough to make this track worthwhile.
dstr$’s Soundcloud notes that they are from Massachusetts, but outside of that, it seems like they’re trying to keep a low profile beneath the tangled surface of Soundcloud.
What I do know is “Pink Slips” has only been out for a little over two weeks, but it already has a little over 63,000 plays on Soundcloud. Altogether, dstr$ has three official tracks on their page, all of which have been released in 2022 with Bdr!ppyy. $ecret has produced at least two of the tracks. A rapport appears to be synthesizing.