I remember hearing that DRUG RUG had new music out, but the information went in my ear, and it at some point, departed (I won’t get into the from wheres or hows it went; really, I don’t know what happened to it). Maybe I didn’t believe it. Maybe I mistook the info for a dream. DRUG RUG and their ways have that sort of air of mystery floating about them. They emerged as one of the better psych pop, pop period, bands of Boston some time ago back in the oos. Two albums have appeared from this collaboration between Tommy Allen and Sarah Cronin, now a married Cantabrigian couple. The last one was 2009’s PAINT THE FENCE INVISBLE. So, it’s been a while.
“Crazy See”, is at this time the lone escapee from the compound where DRUG RUG is holed up, crafting a new strong brew of shimmering, sway inducing psychedelia and pop. The song escaped right around the beginning of the year, but as I mentioned earlier this info fell out of my ear (or something) before I could address it here. But see here! I have rediscovered the information! The song is a chiming, I’d like to say kraut rock meets HARRY NILSSON, variety of song. Sarah sings, her artless voice climbing over and over, a guitar line ascending as well, until the bubbling rhythms of the song’s background finally rush toward the heavens as the backbeat kicks in. A reverb loving guitar solo takes us on out. Love that percussion. DRUG RUG’s bandcamp site tells us that this song will eventually be found on a third record called ISLE OF VIEW. More than that I do not know. Will there be shows? If there were, it would certainly not be a bad thing. Here’s to wondering, and updates via comment by people who know more than I do about the future of one of Boston’s better psych-pop acts.