2019 Year Enders

Dr. TPP International Man of Wisdom’s 2019


Yooo its ya boy TPP waazzzzzzzupppp. 2019 has been a great year for me because it was the year of me! This was successfully the year where I truly took the time and learned how to take care of myself. No joke, first time in my life. So, for my best of 2019 review, I will be sharing my top five self-love techniques that can help repair any cracked rocker!
1. The elliptical: As a big dude that only wears black, running in public can be stressful for me and all that’s around me, so I decided to join a gym. At first I thought I was too cool for this old folks work out, but after I gussied up some guff I hopped on and off I went. The elliptical, though goofy as fuck, is like running in outer space and won’t goof up your knees. Plus, for my fellas out there suffering from Hank Hill bunz , it gives you that extra lift to feed them 501s lord have mercy.
2. Stop caring about what others think: You only have you so do you the best you can! If you wanna stay in, stay in! If you wanna travel, travel! Wanna get a new job? Start a band? Go back to school? Get sober? Do it, do it, do it! Nobody has control over your life but you, and any one or anything that gets in the way of that can fudge off.
3. Sleeping: I know a lot of you squares have been doing this for years, but I’m from the rock world and in my past sleep was the hardest drug to find.
4. Meditation: Oooo TPPS a hippy now! Well, I’d rather be a hippy than continue having a muddled mind (a mind worried about the future while stuck in the past). New to the meditation game, I currently just watch videos on youtube. However, in 2020 I’m looking to up my game. Thích Quảng Đức was a Vietnamese Mahayana Buddhist monk who burned himself to death at a busy Saigon road intersection on 11 June 1963. Quảng Đức was protesting the persecution of Buddhists by the South Vietnamese Government. Thích Quảng Đức was also an expert meditator, full fucking control over his mind and pain. It was said he did not even flinch as he went up in flames. Your mind is your most powerful weapon and if you do not learn to control it, it can turn on you.
5. Self-forgiveness: We all have a past and we’ve all fucked up. We all are gonna fuck up again but it’s not until we learn to accept our errors and pain that we can move on. Life’s a lesson and school ain’t out til you’re all dead turkeys.

Well, anyway, this has been my 2019 and I hope this helps your 2020. A good friend of mine who did some hard time in his early 20’s once told me, “A smart person learns from their mistakes, a wise one learns from others.” Fucking keep your heads up, wear clean socks, and never let the bastards beat beat you down. PMA is the drug mother huggers!!!!

PS: this message was paid for by my fucking brain and my fucking heart; the gas and fire of the Tight Pants KID!!!


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