BOSTON/NE BANDS, Fresh Video, Hassle Fest



Behold an oozing AND fuzzy affair! Thanks to DOOMSDAY STUDENT my next nightmares (whenever they occur) will be gold suit and tennis-centric. Featuring members of ARAB ON RADAR and ATHLETIC AUTOMATON, DOOMSDAY STUDENT just released their second record A WALK THROUGH HYSTERIA PARK on the THREE ONE G label. This makes all the sense in the world if you have followed that label at all, which I have, but not for some years. Their roster looks robust though, and so I must check in more often.

Yet another Providence birthed ripper on display. The video for “Disappearing” (from A WALK THROUGH HYSTERIA PARK) creates a lot of action while set on some kind of sound stage. A trio of gold clad gingers have some fun with their radical bodily fluids to the strains of evil sounding post-apocalyptic rock of the utmost ferocity. Somewhat insouciant vocal attack of Eric Paul pitted against the severe riffs and unsettling rhythms of the rest of the band. Lots of talk about fucking. Top notch as can be expected (I have been luck enough to be able to see this band live a number of times during the recent epoch). Record must be ace, can’t wait to digest the whole thing. Also, A+ video, really. Weird! Video by A.V. Carraway and Luke Boggia (AKA old Hassle friends AWESOME BROTHERS). Costumes by Joan Wyand, L. Boggia, and A. Carraway. Eric Paul also just came through town reading from his book I Offered Myself As the Sea (Heartworm Press), check it out if you missed THAT event like I did.

With maximum joy I also must declare the NEW FACT that DOOMSDAY STUDENT shall be joining us @ HASSLE FEST 6. Performing on friday 11/7. More details to come, but shout it out loud and make sure that everyone knows of this fantastic turn of events!
HASSLE FEST 6 FB EVENT if you are so inclined

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