Garage rock crossover superstar(I just watched a video of dude playing on Letterman!) TY SEGALL is back with ANOTHER record out once again on DRAG CITY. This one is called TWINS. With artists this prolific(4th record out this year) it is really hard to keep track of what is going down, and where, and what part of it is good. Well, with all that floating around this noggin I sat down and blasted this thing into my ears. First time through I noted that this was a pretty rocking affair(of course), no doubt full of the garage rock the man is known for, as well as some of the more full bodied swagger rock he’s been honing, and even some of the folk moves that have been on display from time to time in some of his more recent albums. Pretty good I thought, but I didn’t feel blown away, or even care that much really. With each following listen though, these songs began to creep on me. “Love Fuzz”, guitars storming the entire tune, pure pure falsetto, all over a locked in super repetitive metallic garage rock groove. “You’re The Doctor”, non-stop garage rock faceblast, sounding quite a bit like the ripping no-fi garage punker that I cottoned to to begin with. “Inside Your Heart”, with its nasty harmonizing guitar leads. After many listens I’m here, and I’m saying this record slays. Rock for 2012. And Segall, on this record, has really brought together quite a few of the strands that have been represented over the course of his last few albums. It’s not really a matter of rock and roll dying or not, or being dead or whatever. It just needed a fresh face, a new statesman is all, and here’s the guy I think. He’s got a broad enough approach, and clearly enough of an understanding of the rock to sell rocking out to more of the people in 2012. I have faith in this guy. Listen to this new record of his.