PILE – DRIPPING LP (Exploding In Sound) It is entirely too refreshing when a band continues to pump out exceptional music in a consistent and ante-upping manner year after year. Boston rock torchbearers PILE do it and they do it hard, with relentless touring, riot-inciting local shows, and outstanding LP output. PILE’s latest offering “Dripping”, released last month on Exploding In Sound Records, is yet another piece of solid evidence in their case for powerful, straight up rock music and its relevance on this planet. It can be difficult to make a distinction in this world of so many “rock” genre offshoots but there is no confusion about what PILE is providing. They easily deliver the kind of hard, emotive, and heavy riff-driven anthems that can be so therapeutic to miserable city dwellers such as ourselves and that has been pitifully bastardized for years. PILE is indeed a cut above the rest and there are plenty of others trying to evoke the kind of excitement from their listeners that these guys do so effortlessly. Their secret is truly masterful songwriting that’s carried out by players who all bring their own equally distinct and brutally cool voices to their respective instruments. As a group they take you on a raucous ride, all over the spectrums of speed and dynamics, and when you return you absolutely feel better than when you left. PILE make raw, aggressive rock music and they make it interesting. The tunes are perhaps even more catchy and memorable than ever and it’s downright inspiring thinking about how far they are going to take this thing. For those of you who care to discover the beating heart of heavy, melodic rock in Boston, it would behoove you to groove to DRIPPING.
“DSM” showcases the many individual styles of Brockton’s Van Buren Records
It has been a fruitful 18 months for the Brockton super-collective Van Buren Records. Their two 2021 records, Bad For Press and Black Wall…