Fresh Stream













San Francisco post-punk/garage pop trio GRASS WIDOW return to Boston carrying a shining and lovely new recording with them. The women of GRASS WIDOW have passed through these parts a number of other times, always satisfying with their singular brand of indie rock melded with the indie pop/post-punk sound world of heroes of the past like THE RAINCOATS and KLEENEX/LILLIPUT. Having put out a record on the legendary KILL ROCK STARS the band seems admirably to be going the full DIY route, releasing each of their last few records on their own H.L.R. RECORDS. And this includes their latest offering INTERNAL LOGIC. “Under The Atmosphere”, the record’s fourth song, is strong with the group’s layered harmonies. Bass and drums take care of business, the drums here actually getting a chance to go off on a few tangents, while the guitar leads us on a melodic journey all the way through to the vocal harmony only ending. “Disappearing Industries” is a pop song with a recurring mean post-punk-like breakdown. Great song. And many of them are great songs here, including “the song from the video they shot @ the Franklin Park Zoo” “Milo Minute”. GRASS WIDOW must be one of the more pleasant rock bands to be toying around with anything near interesting sounds in this day and age. And interesting sounds they are: lush vocal harmonies like you RARELY hear, and a marvelous way with creating intertwining guitar and bass parts that move back and forth between harmony and dissonance most astutely. Catch this gang @ Great Scott on 5/30 for B.O.W. Show.


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