4/14 – 4/16 Ladyfest Boston 2017 featuring Shepherdess, Longings, Human People, Sad13, Heartbreaker, Phantom Rides, Marge, Pill, Fleabite, Blau Blau, didi, Amanda X, Palberta, Knife Pleats, Gauche, Bedbug, Judy Chong, Palehound (solo), Imaginary Pants, Colleen Green, Gravel, Birthing Hips, Ursula, Loone + flea market, workshops, panels, potlucks, and more! @Cambridge YMCA All Ages $15 day passes $35 weekend passes
Literally EVERYONE’s taste is represented this month but I want to draw y’alls attention to one of the best events out of the whole year—LADYFEST. The 2017 iteration promises to be bigger and better than ever, spread over three full days at the Cambridge YMCA, where an incredible group of multi-talented women and individuals are ready to facilitate a fest for ALL underrepresented artists, musicians, and people in general. In their own words: “Our goal is to create an inclusive, safer space for people of all backgrounds/identities to enjoy music and the arts. We will strive to ensure that none of the events surrounding Ladyfest Boston support or promote violence and hatred.” This year’s event, benefitting the Rosie Project and Girls Rock Camp Boston, features 3 full days of lectures, panels, discussions, workshops, and performances designed to draw attention to all those in the music and art scene who struggle to have their voices heard. The musical lineup is off the charts, featuring Shepherdess, Longings, Human People, Sad13, Heartbreaker, Phantom Rides, Marge, Pill, Fleabite, Blau Blau, didi, Amanda X, Palberta, Knife Pleats, Gauche, Bedbug, Judy Chong, Palehound, Imaginary Pants, Colleen Green, Gravel, Birthing Hips, Ursula, and Loone. There will also be a flea market where you can purchase handmade goods and wares. Part show, part learning opportunity, part demonstration, all community. Be cool, be kind, be open, all are welcome.
—Michael Achille