Fresh Stream

Better Late Than Never: Blut Aus Nord – Deus Salutis Meae


Here we have the legendary French quartet’s most recent offering. With Deus Salutis Meae, Blut Aus Nord continue trailblazing with their inimitable brand of mind-bending, boundary-pushing black metal you may be familiar with. Over the course of 34 minutes, they churn out early industrial metal rhythms, blasts of Gorguts and Portal-style cacophonous death metal, sparse clean vocals, traditional BM tremolo picking and blastbeats, all while steering far clear of the typical played-out stylings and grist for the mill…and it shouldn’t make sense.  But their trademark dissonant atmosphere, and capability to sound genuinely unsettling and creepy, is once again what keeps this record cohesive and churning from front to back. There isn’t really anything to compare modern Blut Aus Nord to that comes to mind immediately, aside from their back catalog, and perhaps their similarly abstract, unconventional French peers (the mighty DEATHSPELL OMEGA). The menacing, amorphous overtones that dominate their records separate them from the crowd every time. Not their best, but a very decent record. I love this band, they’ve consistently been relevant and interesting for 2+ decades now, and they likely won’t stop pushing the limits of black metal for a long time. A strange, curious voyage for one new to Blut Aus Nord, and to those familiar, another unflinching, uncompromising chapter.

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