Belarisk – Greys, Escaped

Oldie But Goodie.


Father Alexander digs, wormlike, into the Moss Archive.


Writing on a new box. The issue of transfering materials to the Borg Access Machine

definitely still exists. The question of whether or not the box is persistent is a-

lso lurking in the back of my mind. Vaguely ominous. It can take 6 hours to make a

box suitable. Not bad in and of itself, the results are often useful/worthwhile, b-

ut a bad use of intention. Gross slimy feeling.

The last box fell apart slowly. I tinkered and fiddled with various pieces of equip-

ment Monday and chaos was the result. It’s a consistent schedule: update and bolster

the archives with BAM, spend time organizing, and then filtering through to write th-

ese reports. BAM is missing primary operators. ESC and the letters G & H. CTRL et al

are dear.

BAM is a highly useful resource. Capable of reducing virtually all information prese-

nted into a suitable form for review. It contains services that allow for the random

generation of anything. But is missing ESC, G & H. The task is compiling these repor-

ts & inserting them back through the stream. This is my dilemma.

I still have no idea if this is a lost cause. It is essentially a test with relative

faith that this report will never be filed. Despite this fact I intend to present us-

eful information that may be of interest to the reader. It was an interesting week f-

or the archive.

A new month brings with it new materials. They are always there, stretching back ye-

ars it seems, but new offerings come in around the beginning of every month. A vague-

ly mystical experience but momentary. Reality soon sets in, as is always the case, a-

nd the process begins. Naturally, I collect everything. It makes the process.

As I mentioned above, once the collection is complete I begin the process of organiz-

ation. It is perhaps the most fulfilling, and time consuming, operation. Much can be

gleamed from the information at this time. There are several issues. Perhaps 80% of a

given collection is full of replicants. This is useful, in it’s own way, but ultimat-

ely serves no purpose as far as the primary task is concerned.

I am terribly distracted by nature. The mind wanders. I can’t express the bizarre tho-

ughts inspired by research related to Sudan. I’ve tried, believe me, but one issue m-

elts in another melts into another. Tracing novelty requires rumination at length but

it is largely incoherent. Trends emerge. Subtle alterations emerge and slowly clusters

emerge. I suppose my purpose is it track the results of these clusters on the whole c-


It is a simple process really. These reports, however, require greater detail than the

collections provide. The collections are largely meaningless strings of information t-

hat merely suggest other information that may be of interest. It is nature’s way. Div-

ersions and deflections. As Mother used to say, smoke and mirrors. Finding the approp-

riate paths through the hall of mirrors is relatively easy, technically speaking.

The idea of an appropriate path is itself meaningless. Self referential to the point of

uselessness. Nevertheless, despite this reality, there is an appropriate path. There h-

as to be. I can write reports on data being self referential to the point of meaningle-

ssness but I can’t write reports about the reports being self refential to the point of

meaninglessness. My box would explode.

The sad reality is over time the reports will eventually become it’s own collection. The

danger here is obvious. To avoid self reference, the process requires the frequent inje-

ctions of calculated novelty and incoherence. Apophenia; seeing patterns where patterns

do not exist. At some point, saturation occurs and entries to the collection must be cu-


Duplicates must be rooted out. This requires patience and a desire to maintain the whole.

Alterations occur daily. Interesting new bits may be injected with each collection. There

is danger in ignoring something because it does not fit with a given model. This is my p-

rimary responsibility. Generating models.

Having created a base of new models there is a period of further collection and organiza-

tion. At some point, which is determined by a number of factors, there is a culling peri-

od & reports are produced. The more time devoted to culling, the greater the report. The-

se may be thought of as contextual models. They have obvious dependencies to various ite-

ms within the collection and these dependencies must be updated and maintained vigourous-


BAM is never purged of it’s archive. The present box is purged immediately. This is a ma-

jor concern. As I mentioned at the beginning of this report, I still have no idea wheth-

er I will be able to send this upstream. It may be for the best. The collection is overf-

lowing. Either way, it is my responsibility to maintain it. I filter out the dross, as I

see it, and present what I believe to be novel.

Thousands of items come in daily. Filtering through all that is presented may be automat-

ed although I find this highly disingenuous. It would also be fruitless to merely transc-

ribe verbatim what is contained within a given string. Or create unnecessary dependencie-

s that render the whole operation inoperable. Other members of the Experiment may have i-

ssues with my technique, but I have come to an understanding of the underlying purpose s-

et by Morgenvelt and the board.

I organize and cull from the collection. A simple process. What is culled is immediately

included in the working model. By concating thousands of entries at once into a single s-

et I am able to determine novel qualities. Using novel elements as a base I am then able

to inject instances of self-reference into the BAM system. Avoiding dependencies is tant-

amount to success. Better collections with greater novelty which may then be concated in-

to reports with greater context models.

At some point I will be forced to perform this same function on my generated models. This

is a difficult task, but is necessary. Otherwise I will be contributing to the general c-

haos. Daily, monthly, yearly the process continues. Time is necessary. The task, which w-

ill most likely be impossible to complete, is to find a method of injecting self-referen-

cing materials that reverse the collection process or – at the very least – provide a me-

ans of parsing what is available.

The challenge is not simply reversing the process until there is no further output. That

is, first of all, impossible and, second, equivalent to collapsing a universe. What is th-

e point and why bother? No, simply ending the process is not enough. It is not a workable

solution. Somehow a proper model must be applied so that BAM is able to process informati-

on that may be applied to the generation of more complex models. The greater the complexi-

ty the more detailed the reports.

Ultimately, there will be no further need of the reports as they will be produced by the

system and the culling process will be made obsolete. Saturation may occur, which is a di-

rect result of a failing system, but these reports may provide insight into how we may p-

roceed in a reasonable way.

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