3 song 7″-er here from and an ex-member of Memphis’ NOTS and a current member of EX-CULTS, tearing into the garage punk-meets-postpunk territory that NOTS especially occupies with a spit-laden style. GONER did it, and I thank them for doing so. On the title track the spunky punk flow spews atop a pretty relentless synth punk beat, one easily imagining front woman Laurel Ferdon leading a rabid sea of punkers into the pogo vortex. Things get a little weirder on the other tracks here (which is really great news if you ask me). Whiffs of CHROME, SCORCHED EARTH POLICY, and X-RAY SPEX are available for smelling throughout the proceedings. A very promising beginning for AQUARIAN BLOOD.
“DSM” showcases the many individual styles of Brockton’s Van Buren Records
It has been a fruitful 18 months for the Brockton super-collective Van Buren Records. Their two 2021 records, Bad For Press and Black Wall…