The intersection of pop and garage and punk can be a dangerous place: for evidence, look up the mid-2000’s pop-punk bands whose music we’ve been trying to forget about since, well, the mid-2000’s. Luckily, many bands intertwine the two genres pretty effortlessly, like Portland, Maine’s Bath Salts. Their band name and scuzzed-out grungy guitar riffs are all garage, yet their quick, catchy tunes combined with singer Tara Cohen’s honeyed (but not too delicate) vocals give their newest album, LSD, a pop sensibility.
Brimming with easygoing garage-pop, LSD is a solid listen from start to finish. Check out “Junk Everywhere” or “What I Want” if you’e looking for a quick taste, or grab the album for free via Bandcamp. (If you choose to donate, proceeds will go to Maine’s Good Shepherd Food Bank).