The New England Underground Fest III put on by yours truly, US, (Who else in this metropolis would?), was an unforgettable experience despite a number of things: the (legal) consumption of alcohol & marijuana on the first day, the cops showing up on Night 2, and lastly, the however many missed opportunities to flirt with your favorite DIY do-or-diers, the MUSICIANS* of course.
(*We here at the Hassle promote safe spaces and invite all flirtations be exclusively directed to our website content comment section — writers need loving too! — As an extra side all show volunteers double as body guards for our acts so I do warn you, your game has to be on point to not get repeatedly asked to leave by our interns, sound & show volunteers. We also have weekly mandatory CrossFit training just for this purpose so WATCH OUT — you’ve been warned.)
THOUGH ultimately parenthetical, that above question is the only question worth asking right now. Who else in Boston would dare to book 40+ bands in two days at two venues for 20+ hours of the freshest and rawest new music the Boston independent scene has to offer. Anyone? Anyone?
Well while we wait for a response we’ll be preparing for our 24 hour telethon in October, HASSLEFEST 10 in November (full of new surprises) & our full lineup of summer shows all run by the raddest booking and promotions crew uhhh anywhere, ever volunteer or otherwise.
In the meanwhile, we invite you to give the fine folks at Boston Calling a call & tell them to, feel free to paraphrase me here:
That is, if you can get through.
‘Til the next gig.
Day 1 Photo’s by Omari Spears
Day 2 Photo’s by Omari Spears & Jon Vahid
Chris Hughes is a writer and music editor for They can be reached on Instagram or Twitter via @crsjh_ or through email: [email protected].