Hello Experimenters!
Starting this week, This Week in Experimental will run on The Boston Hassle’s website in addition to arriving in subscribers’ inboxes! I have to begin by thanking Frankie Symonds at The Hassle for this partnership. They have been such a welcoming and supportive voice in both the Boston arts scene and more personally to me. Thank you, Frankie!
To all the new and potential experimenters reading this for the first time, welcome! I started this project as a way to stay connected with my students back when campuses in the US started to depopulate as a result of the pandemic. Each week, I wrote my students in all three of my classes to update them on their assignments as well as virtual screenings where they could see experimental work from wherever they were sheltering in place. It’s become a passion project for me, and after a year of sending these out I’m so excited to continue sharing these opportunities, readings, and prompts with as many people as possible.
Thanks for reading, and don’t be a stranger! I’d love to hear from everyone about how to keep making this work relevant and helpful for all of us.
In solidarity,
If you or someone you know has items they’d like to see in this newsletter, please fill out this form.
Follow @this_week_in_experimental on Instagram
Emergency Funds
Actos de Confianza: Relief Grants due May 12th
The Barbara and Carl Zydney Grant for Artists with Disabilities due June 15th
Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grants
Onassis Emergency Fellowships 2020/21
Rauschenberg Medical Emergency Grants
Filmmaker’s Guide To Applying For US Coronavirus Federal Relief
Emergency Resources for Artists and Freelancers
Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Emergency Fund
COVID-19 Funding for Artists in New England
Boston LGBTQIA Artist Alliance Mutual Aid Network
Desktop Documentary is offering a FREE Digital Care Package for Filmmakers!
Calls for Entry
Jerwood/Photoworks Awards due May 12th
Obsessions due May 13th
MOMENT 46 due May 15th
ReA! Art Fair due May 15th
the playful turn due May 16th
Visualizing Bias with AR due May 16th
TIFF Festival of Photography due May 16th
Ruffin Gallery Exhibition Proposals due May 17th
Art for Black Lives Residency due May 18th
Helios Sun Poetry Film Festival Early Deadline May 20th
Collective Imagination for Spatial Justice due May 24th
Malt Adult #20 Intermission-Loop due May 27th
Homografía due May 30th
BlackStar Nonfiction Pitch Contest due May 31st
Relax due May 31st
Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival due May 31st
REAKTOR Potenziale | Call for Concepts due May 31st
Athens Ethnographic Film Festival – Ethnofest 2021 due May 31st
Freedom & Captivity due June 1st
VISAP ‘21 due June 1st
Fracto Film Encounter due June 1st
The Lumen Prize due June 4th
Output No 04 due June 6th
Art Trail due June 11th
POOL 21 due June 14th
Fringe! Queer Film & Arts Fest due June 15th
Light from Space #1 – The Sun due June 20th
Helios Sun Poetry Film Festival Regular Deadline July 20th
Antimatter Regular Deadline June 30th
WNDX Festival of Moving Image due June 30th
ULTRAcinema 2021 Regular Deadline June 30th
AIR Gallery Open Call due July 4th
ANALOGICA Regular Deadline July 10th
INCADAQUÉS OPEN CALL 2021due July 15th
Found Footage Magazine Issue #8 Paper Submission Deadline July 15th
123rd SSA Annual Exhibition due July 18th
2021 Punto y Raya Festival due August 2nd
MONSTERFUCKERS due September 1st
Decolonising Film & Screen Studies due September 1st
The 2021 Film And Video Poetry Symposium Deadline September 4th
The Sidewalk Video Gallery at Fountain Street
Ten Leaves Dilated Zine
Open Residencies & Fellowships
New Perspectives Fellowships due May 10th (TODAY)
Spazju Kreattiv Residency due May 11th
ARBOREAL III due May 14th
UK Silent Film due May 14th
Automatic Sight: Autofókusz due May 14th
Bemis Center Curator-in-Residence due May 14th
McColl Center for Art + Innovation Winter Deadline May 15th
Leeway Transformation Award due May 15th
Leonardo CripTech Incubator due May 15th
AiR Vesteraalen Andøy due May 15th
Mt. San Angelo Residencies, VCCA due May 15th
Social justice & activism due May 16th
Studios of Key West Media Arts Residency Program due May 17th
Odyssée Artist-in-Residency due May 29th
Caravan Residency Program due May 30th
3 bis f | contemporary art centre residency due May 30th
Unit 1 Gallery Solo Residency due May 31st
Al & Mickey Quinlan Residency due May 31st
CIAR Fall Residency Program due June 1st
Artists in Residence in Everglades due June 1st
Bulegoa z/b residency due June 1st
Austin Film Grant due June 4th
SAL Residency 2021 due June 6th
The Firelight Media Documentary Lab due June 15th
Swimming in AIR (remote) due June 25th
Women In Film Finishing Fund due June 30th
Stiwdio Maelor Residency due July 19th
What is Evidence? due July 31st
McColl Center for Art + Innovation Summer Deadline May 15th
Bemis Center Artist-in-Residence due August 16th
HAMBIDGE RESIDENCIES – Spring 22 due September 15th
McColl Center for Art + Innovation Fall Deadline May 15th
Online Artists Support Program
The Loisaida Center Emerging Artist Residency
Open Funds
Future Art Awards 2021: Re-Imagining Democracy due May 10th (TODAY)
The Prince Claus Fund due May 11th
AFAC Documentary Program due May 14th
Women Photograph Project Grants due May 15th
British Council Micro Awards due May 18th
Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant due May 19th
IDA Enterprise Documentary Fund due April 19th
Jerome Foundation NY & MN Production Grants due April 21st
LEF Early Development Grant due June 4th
LEF Pre-Production Grant due June 4th
ITVS due June 11th
Collective Futures Fund due June 15th
The Illuminations Grant for Black Trans Women Visual Artists due June 30th
Sundance Institute | Stars Collective Granting Fund due July 16th
Black Artists Grant (UK)
ARTNOIR’S JAR OF LOVE FUND (US-based artists, curators, and cultural workers of color)
Things to Watch
Remains to be Streamed, IG Live (Ongoing, Tuesdays 8PM PT)
TEFF: Honorable Mention Collection 2021 (April 1st – June 1st)
Broadcasting Experiments for Smartphones (May 3rd – 13th)
TEFF: Docs Pushing Boundaries (April 30th – May 14th)
Cousins & Kin Program 2: What was always yours and never lost (April 16th – May 15th)
Experiments in Cinema v16.1 (May 1st – 22nd)
Proximities: 4 Films by Cauleen Smith (April 29th – May 23rd)
Androtechne: Our Digital Selves – Opening Event (May 11th at 6:30 PM BST)
maɬni – towards the ocean, towards the shore (May 11th 7PM ET)
Bring Your Own Animation – May 2021 (May 11th 7:30PM ET)
Every Grain of Rice by Carol Nguyen
Things to Read
Article/Essay: Eunsong Kim on the Colonial Inheritance of 2001
Book Recommendation: A Portrait of the Self As Nation by Marilyn Chin
Poem: Our Precarious Joy by Alok
Things to Do
Assignment: Last week, I asked you to find an AAPI artist whose work you can connect to your practice. This week, take a deep dive into that work. What themes do you notice keep appearing? What aesthetic signatures/motifs? What are the moments that most impact you on an emotional level? Which ones most challenge you on an artistic level? Your job is to really immerse yourself in their work/writings/approach.
Journal: What is your plan for the summer? Are there things you hope to accomplish? Make a list for the summer. It can be work you want to undertake, books you want to read, movies you want to watch, etc. It will be something you can go back to if you find yourself bored and aimless during the warmer months.
For previous volumes, visit: