Hello Experimenters!
Happy New Year, my friends! I am happy to report that I unplugged at the end of 2021 in preparation for whatever 2022 might bring. I was happy to find a couple of sweet notes from you, dear readers, when I waded into the accumulation of emails & DMs. Hearing from you is my favorite part of this ongoing project.
With love and gratitude,
If you or someone you know has items they’d like to see in this newsletter, please fill out this form.
Follow @this_week_in_experimental on Instagram and join the conversation on Discord.
You can always find a complete PDF and the archive here.
* Editors Note: The below text is not hyperlinked. If you wish to see the hyperlinked version, visit here.
Emergency Funds
Help for renters
GIG Fund
Springboard for the arts
Africa Creative Defence Network
Coronavirus Resource & Response Center
Coronavirus Resource Kit
CERF+ Emergency Assistance
Artists’ Fellowship Inc.
COVID-19 Freelance Artist Resource
Hurricane Ida Relief Resources
Artist Relief Project
AFC Emergency Financial Aid
FCA Emergency Grants
Rauschenberg Medical Emergency Grants
Filmmaker’s Guide To Applying For US Coronavirus Federal Relief
Emergency Resources for Artists and Freelancers
Artist Rescue Trust
COVID-19 Funding for Artists in New England
Artist Relief Tree
BridgeSong Fund
Calls for Entry
Passepartout Photo Prize Submission Deadline January 14th
Black Abstraction in the Midwest due January 17th
BAA Artist Prize Early Bird Deadline January 17th
S.P.A.M. Spreads #2 due January 19th
Kosovo Projects due January 19th
attaque(e)r le visible due January 20th
Cinalfama Medium Deadline January 27th
Braziers International Film Festival Regular Deadline January 30th
DEMOLUTION due January 31st
Neoteric Abstract X due January 31st
ASIFA East Animated Film Festival due January 31st
Brewers Towner International due January 31st
International Ecoperformance Festival due January 31st
dresdner schmalfilmtage Regular Deadline January 31st
MIA Journal Open Call due February 1st
Chicago Underground Film Festival Earlybird Deadline February 1st
Bethesda Film Festival Regular Deadline February 1st
International Short Film Festival Oberhausen On-Site Competitions due February 1st
Feral Neighbourhoods due February 7th
Barcelona International Short Film Festival Earlybird Deadline February 7th
Little Islands Festival Regular Deadline February 10th
Alternate Realities due February 11th
Videoart.Ist International Regular Deadline February 27th
Bookmarks of Discomfort due February 28th
BAA Artist Prize General Deadline February 28th
Hiroshima Animation Season Regular Deadline February 28th
Camden International Film Festival Earlybird Deadline February 28th
Split Videoart Festival Regular Deadline March 1st
Fracto Film Encounter due March 1st
S+T+ARTS Prize 2022 due March 2nd
Chicago Underground Film Festival Regular Deadline March 5th
Coney Island Film Festival Regular Deadline March 11th
Pittsburg State University Gallery Proposals due March 11th
Camden International Film Festival Regular Deadline March 28th
Open Call Fresh Legs 2022 due March 31st
Animatter [Media Art] Earlybird Deadline April 30th
Laterale Film Festival Regular Deadline April 30th
Ibrida 2022 due May 1st
Barcelona International Short Film Festival Regular Deadline May 2nd
Future Places due May 4th
Animatter [Media Art] Regular Deadline June 30th
World Channel Nonfiction
Millennium Film Journal
Exploding Cinema
Joker Joker TV
Open Residencies & Fellowships
Good Hart Artist Residency due January 12th
Mackinac Island Artist-in-Residence due January 14th
A4 French-Portuguese Residency due January 16th
Est Nord Est Residency due January 20th
ENE Residency due January 20th
RSA Residencies for Scotland 2022 due January 23rd
Shenandoah National Park Artist-in-Residence due January 31st
Sundance: Producers Track due February 10th
MacDowell due February 10th
Hybrida AiR due February 15th
Roswell Artist-in-Residence due March 15th
Alpena Wildlife Sanctuary AiR due March 31st
ArtVendome: Artist in Residence
Adobe Creative Residency Community Fund (Monthly)
Nes Artist Residency
The Loisaida Center Emerging Artist Residency
SomoS Berlin Virtual Artist Residency
Mentoring and Coaching for Creatives
Open Funds
Artist Grant due January 15th
Project: Hatched due January 17th
Robert Giard Grant for Emerging LGBTQ+ Photographers due January 17th
LEF Moving Image Fund (Production & Post) due January 21st
Barbara Hammer Lesbian Experimental Filmmaking Grant due January 24th
ITVS due February 11th
F.E.A.S.T. at VisArts 2022 MUTUAL AID due March 4th
Innovate Grant due March 24th
Moon and Stars Project Grants due April 15th
The Photodom Grant Program
Black Artists Grant
Boston Opportunity Funds
Artist Support Pledge
Things to Watch
Remains to be Streamed, IG Live (Ongoing, Tuesdays 8PM PT)
Media Monsters (Ongoing, Thursdays 8PM PT)
Burnt 3.7 (January 2 – 15)
Images of Resistance from Elsewhere (January 5 – 18)
Ecologies of Meaning in Art, Science & Technology Collaborations (January 19 3PM ET)
Radical Friends online summit (January 22 9AM GMT)
Forever by Mitch McGlocklin
Strange World by Wen-Han Chang
Terri Simone Francis: Josephine Baker as a “Rememory” of Global Black Cinema?
Ecstatic Static: At Land
Coffee Stories
Things to Read
Article/Essay: What Does It Mean to be a Visitor? By Sky Hopinka
Book Recommendation: Mister Miracle by Tom King
Poem: Winter Flowers by Stanley Moss
Things to Do
Assignment: Take stock of your projects in progress. What are they titled (working titles
or vague descriptions count)? What have you done? What’s left to do? What do you
need help with?
Journal: Set your intentions for 2022: artistic, professional, personal. How do you want
to grow this year?