WENT THERE: Sonorium Was Great! And There’s Another Next Saturday!
Yesterday, I was lucky enough to attend Sonorium, an event that happens about four times a year in Salem, Massachusetts. I was…
Yesterday, I was lucky enough to attend Sonorium, an event that happens about four times a year in Salem, Massachusetts. I was…
Hollow Deck – Hobson's Choice by friendshiptapes
Feast Day by Karl M Barrett "No Sex/No Gender" by TICKED OFF TAPES
Skate For The Lie by Matt Weston Nervous Retouch by Ryan Kayhart
Short Term Success! by Bromp Treb Frailty by vehement caress
LIVE AT SKOOL by Birthing Hips Window Box by wendy alembic Impairment of Interest by angelsbreath
Peculiar Storms by Monastery
Caudata by Hey Exit
2,740 Nudes (mountain scene toward evening (Germany)) – Listening Woman from megan mcshane on Vimeo.
Pain is on our Side now by Father Murphy Tender in Sados Light by Secret Boyfriend My Brother Daniel & Anton Mobin…
Head on over to Griffen Theatre in Salem tonight where Sonorium continues its tradition of showcasing improvised experimental music. This time around, the…