REVIEW: Caveat (2020) dir. Damian McCarthy
Streaming 6/3 on Shudder
Streaming 6/3 on Shudder
In 1969, playwright, actor, and author Bill Gunn became the second ever Black person to direct a film for a major Hollywood…
Prevenge 2016 dir. Alice Lowe 88 mins. Free screening!
Evil Dead II 1987 dir. Sam Raimi 84 mins Part of the Coolidge Corner’s After Midnite series.
Rosemary’s Baby 1968 dir. Roman Polanski 137 mins Part of the ongoing series: Harold & Lillian Companion Films Double Feature with Pretty…
The Birds 1963 dir. Alfred Hitchcock 119 min Also screens Saturday, 5/6 Part of the ongoing series: Harold & Lillian Companion Films
The Birds 1963 dir. Alfred Hitchcock 119 mins Also screens Tuesday 5/9 @ 8 PM. Part of the ongoing series: Harold &…