Fresh Stream, Music

NH Meth – KSV 534 Unknown Gen

"This horror movie is getting me real uptight, man. Real uptight."


KSV 534 Unknown Gen by NH Meth

Cover of KSV 534

Alla kazaam. Wow. Look at that guy’s sho-
es. I’ve always been a fan of curling sh-
oes. The moon is a blood red scimitar. I
love it. Great. Good stuff. Good stuff.

So now we are in front of a television. O-
h, god. It is the most surreal thing imag-
inable. We are watching a zombie movie. T-
he strange thing is we are living in a zo-
mbie reality. We’ve been in this bunker f-
or about a month. All that remains are VH-
Ss, VCR, and a television. The water kind
of works in the toilets. I’m thirsty. Got
the runs. Decisions, decisions.

Things are fucked up. We are watching thi-
s weird movie about the guy with the curl-
y, gold, shoes. We are covered in bat shi-
t, and smell like goats. The water from t-
he sink is brown and everything reaks of
sulphur. Everything is fucked. Proper so-
cietal collapse as a result of these zom-
bies, you see. The only thing on the rad-
io are weird transmissions from New Hamp-
shire about God. Something about a refug-
e. Heretics. I’d rather stay here and dr-
ink my own shitwater than submit to apos-

There are three of us. Huddled around the
pretty flickering light. Horrible noises
coming from outside, and from the TV. Re-
ally, they are exactly the same. That is
what we are marvelling at. How exact eve-
rything is. I expect the scimitar man to
appear from the corner. I keep looking.

The stress is unreal, but I’m grateful f-
or all the tapes. It’s all we’ve done. T-
his was some kind of video store or some-
thing. Era specific to the films, obvious-
ly, so it makes everything creepy. There
is a cardboard cut out of Ace Ventura su-
rfing a Crocodile. He is pointing at my
friend, and I’m having these weird thou-
ghts about that. The situation may be g-
etting to me.

Anyway, we are watching closely. We dec-
ided to watch these zombie movies. Bore-
dom, mostly, but we wanted to see which
one was the most accurate. And now we a-
re watching this one, and it is creepin-
g us all out. It really bothers me. “Ho-
w did they know?” We scroll to the cred-
its. Never heard of these people. Produ-
ction value is absolute shit. But the s-
tory is strong. Watched it over and over
since we found it.

Drown in the many surreal sounds of KSV 534 Unknown Gen over on Bandcamp.

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