Greetings reader!
We at Hassle are always making the best decisions. Booking the best bands, finding the coolest artists.
The public has even trusted us to decide who the coolest vendors for the coolest pop-up shop in the city will be.
Now, let us now tell you what to get your luvrr for this upcoming silly post-real-holiday holiday, aka: Valentines Day.
Have at it:
We are feeling positive about Pleasure Pie’s sex positive greeting cards!
There’s no gr8est gift 4 ur luvr than giving them a LITERAL HUMAN HEART.
For your main squeeze and summer dreams.
Give the gift of bones. Diamonds are so cliche; give your lover a lovely skull plaque to brighten up the room.
for when you number one leaves you speechless. gets fun and playful.
Sometimes Old Greg’s Lovegames aren’t enough.I think Why the long face? game is gr8 4 ur Luvrs because you get to experience new details about their beautiful faces- like if they are better at making a muskrat or a bison. Why the long face? is the charades game that brings taxidermy to life.
WHO would your lover even be if they didn’t love Owls!!!???
Because she (or they or who ever would like these pins) puts up with ur SHIT1!1! @pindigogrrrls
For the mystical witch or tarot enthusiast in your life. IG @aimeebelangerart
In a long distance relationship? Mice chewed through your internet?? Keep the spark alive with a handwritten message! These postcards provide a little glimpse of home (Somerville AND Cambridge available) with plenty of space on the back for a cleverly crafted haiku, sweet nothings, etc. Who says romance is dead?
The lovebug is a species of march fly. Adults pair up and copulate for 2-3 days. After the female has been fully fertilized, she detaches from the male and lays her eggs.