
Jaws (1975) dir. Steven Spielberg



Name the movie: A heavily marketed, high-concept Hollywood blockbuster that made millions of dollars and inspired several sequels, all of which failed to live up to the quality of the original. Give it a moment… Got an answer?

Well, it appears you have been bamboozled, dear reader. This logline would fit almost any modern blockbuster film. From the Paranormal Activity series to the onslaught of comic-book narratives that now invade our cinemas, heavily-marketed-high-concept is the standard Hollywood model. But all of these movies share a common ancestor in their DNA: Steven Spielberg’s 1975 Jaws — the masterpiece that started it all!

(Yes. Jaws has many sequels. Most entertainingly 1983’s Jaws 3-D).

But too much talk of Jaws‘ place in filmic history can take away from what the flick really is: A well-crafted Hitchcockian thriller about a big shark! This movie is a lot of fun! And how could it not be? The story of a New England town ravaged by a man-eating shark and one marine biologist’s attempt to thwart it, expertly directed by a master first coming into his own, and featuring an evocative score by the irreplaceable John Williams, Jaws is a recipe for success. And it stands today as a reminder of how damn-well-made a movie can be.


Spielberg is such a reliable director his talents have become taken for granted. Even his lesser efforts are great at evoking visceral responses from viewers. Jaws is certainly no exception. So, if you have taken to shunning aside Mr. Spielberg, let Jaws reawaken your appreciation. Because on paper, especially in this post-ironic millennial era, a 70’s thriller about a giant shark should elicit more laughs than thrills but, despite all odds, Jaws remains actually thrilling. (If you’re looking for schlocky laughs perhaps check out Orca: The Killer Whale).

Of course, Jaws has its detractors. Most notably budding eco-activists on your Facebook feed who argue that shark horror movies are killing sharks, because people are now so afraid of the creatures that they are actively killing them. While sharks are definitely more feared than they should be thanks to Jaws, the claim that due to this movie’s existence the shark population is actively decreasing might be a little baseless. So believe at your own discretion!

One more note: This screening is on the waterfront, so prepare to feel the chills up your spine as you see shadows of the great white reflected in shallow pools of dark water.

dir. Steven Spielberg
124 min.

Screens Saturday, 8/20, 8:00 PM @ Winthrop Beach – free outdoor beachside screening!

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