Woodstock 4: the mutant stepdaughter born from the metaphysical copulation of previous Weirdstock shows and the universal positive vibes which continue to echo down to us from that far-distant past we call the Sixties. While were sure most of you are well abreast of all the pertinent info surrounding this event, and are either already frolicking through the Elysian fields of hippie glory or currently en route, let us inform those stragling weirdos too far out of the loop to have heard about this massive event. Organized by the fine folk at the Whitehaus, this is a two day musical event at the Boston Common, consisting of over 300 bands playing 15 minute sets, either acoustic or with battery-powered amps, simultaneously at 4 stages, from noon to 10pm. The schedule is too big and sprawling to post here, but you can find full listings of performers, their approximate set times and location, at the FB event page. Enjoy below a small, arbitrary sampling of the kaleidoscopic array of musical revelry taking place on this fine day. And don’t worry, the organizers have accounted for the wet. Let’s have some fun.