The Boston Hassle is pleased to present a selection of free digital artwork as a gesture against the monetization of literally anything that can be turned over for a buck, and to celebrate the reproducible nature of digital media. Enjoy.
Krystle Brown
15,000 Days
If I could find a way to
make you comfortable
Stop the flood plans from consuming
tiny villages whose names
lost at a subway stop
on stray newspapers taking up a precious seat
Using temperance to ease the fires out
from this Scorched Earth policy
If I could bend time
fold it like the maps to cities
buried by our own incessant hunger
I would
I think about what it means
to be a sea change
To fear open waters
and the vast deserts within them
How these bodies hold bodies
within bodies
Not knowing if the calcium
in the great oceans came from coral
or from bones tossed overboard
Like a forgotten ancestor
whose death rattle punctured your ears
“You would do the same if you could”
Daniel S. DeLuca
If Eyes Could See

Look Away

Lucy Gaehring

A.M. Disher
Gender Hang-up

Teena Hallett
My Favorite Television Channel

Tyler Hallett
Loon, by Kira McSpice. Video directed by Tyler Hallett.