At the end of 2020, I had the pleasure of joining the Boston Hassle team as one of the new Arts and Culture editors. My hope is to use this new role to help democratize and expand the networks and communities of creative people in New England, while prioritizing the promotion of artists who are marginalized or otherwise ignored.
As Covid-19 has changed the typical art-going experience for us all, Boston Hassle has continued to bring its readers and followers creative content using alternative(though rendered completely normal within a matter of months) means such as online streaming and digital exhibition. While the Hassle looks forward to the days of in-person shows in a hopefully not very distant future, we also appreciate the access that these online events provide, and we hope to continue to bring heightened online experiences that transcend simple event documentation, even as being around each other becomes safe again.
Going forward, Boston Hassle will be seeking any proposals and contacts from New England (this isn’t etched in stone if there’s a reason why you think Boston Hassle is an appropriate platform) creatives on a rolling basis. Whether you simply want to be added to our new list of contacts to receive email updates for specific calls for art, or you’re an artist, curator, or writer who would like to have your work appear on Boston Hassle, please email [email protected]. I hope to hear from you.