2006 was a hard year for Creed singer Scott Stapp. For the man who asked us if we could take him higher, he couldn’t get any lower. Two years removed from Creed breaking up, a sex video of him being released with Kid Rock and four other women, and battling a nasty drug addiction, it was at this time Scott found himself in Miami, fearing that his wife was cheating on him with his best friend, deciding to attempt suicide by jumping from his balcony at his hotel. Fortunately, it was also at this time, rapper, producer, actor, T.I. was stepping out on to his balcony to smoke a joint with a friend when he discovered Stapp. “I just heard moaning and groaning from up on top of the roof area. I’m looking at Phil and I’m like, ‘Are you hungry?’ I thought it was his stomach because Phil was always hungry. And he was like, ‘Man, that ain’t me.’ And we continue to smoke, and then [moaning sound]. So I step out and look down and don’t see nothing. And then I look up and – ‘Oh shit, it’s a white man up there!’ That’s what really shocked me. Blood shows up real good on a white man.” Scott had jumped from the 14th floor and landed near the 6th floor. T.I. managed to convince Scott to not jump further by offering a hit of his joint if he was able to call someone to help get him down. When Stapp recalls the event he says the two bonded over their love of Alabama football “He came out, and as I’m laying on the ledge, blood fell to his feet and he looked up and he had an Alabama hat on. I said, ‘Roll tide,’ and then he looked at me and put two and two together and really saved my life.” That and maybe T.I. just told him to live his life.