Black Market, Music

April (4/2) Black Market Vendors: Meet Stompbox Sonic, purveyors of sick sounds

Q&A with Adam Brilla of Stompbox Sonic


The Soapbox Sonic Setup

The Soapbox Sonic Setup

What are you bringing to Black Market?
We’ll be doing some spring cleaning at the market — 15% off a cool mix of new & used effects, guitar straps, and strings. You won’t find many of the effects at traditional music shops. We’ll also have a demo station so you can try things out.

Guitar straps galore!

Guitar straps galore!

Tell us about your favorite piece of equipment.
My go-to effect is fuzz: a gigantic, all-encompassing sound that blankets every note and sustains to the horizon — the auditory equivalent of a Nor’easter.

What is one song you think features some of the sickest sound effects out there?
“Coney Island Cyclone” by Mercury Rev really opened the door and cast me down the rabbit hole of effects. There is something playful, unhinged and melodic in their combination of effects and feedback.

What are some artists or makers that inspire you?
Visual & Craftier artists: Migration Goods, Vanitas Illustration. Effect-wise: Nerdknuckle, Electronic Audio Experiments

Why do you encourage people to shop local?
It allows ideas, excitement and creativity to flourish. Local businesses are often driven by someone’s passion. When those places close all that is interesting or unique to a neighborhood is lost.

Where can people learn more about STOMP BOX SONIC? or Instagram. (There is a higher likliehood of cat pictures on the Instagram.)

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