2019 Year Enders, Music

An Open Letter To Me and Girls Like Me in 2020

Remember to breathe, remember to cry, remember to laugh.


Merci D — Photo by Omari Spears

Remember to breathe, remember to cry, remember to laugh. Remember to be. It is so imperative that you celebrate yourself and all the things you’ve accomplished. While it is scary sometimes, it is so great to march in your truth. In 2020, remember to hold your head up high in those uncomfortable situations. Many people fear what they don’t know and others fear what they know as truth lived boldly. Don’t let nobody else’s fear stop you from living your life and being about your business.

Remain vigilant because fear kills.

On some days, it will rain and you will long for sunshine. On days like this, sing. Sing out! Remember the hymns instilled in you from earlier years and honor your growth since then. Continue to look in the mirror everyday and profess the beauty that stands. What makes your experience so exquisite, so honorable, so magnificent, is that you own it. Many things can (and probably will) be taken from you, but your experience is yours and you are the composer of that song!

Live honestly, love strongly.

Thank you:

Nisaa J. for creative consultation/advising during the entire #RedLine journey.

Sekai aka Sekaitrist for providing the very foundation of a rap record: the beat.

Also, thank you for traveling to witness my first release party.

KEE for supporting me wholeheartedly in everything that I do. You always inspire me to want more for myself.

Janaya J. for being an awesome creative director. Your constant dedication to anything you put your mind to is brilliance personified.

Each of y’all have shown me what sisterhood looks and feels like.


Dad for being one of the main reasons I rap and for always encouraging me to view life through lenses besides my own.

Ma for not only making those bomb ass plates for the #RedLine release function, but for loving me unconditionally and being loud and proud about the daughter you have in me.

My love for each of y’all is more bountiful than my words (written, spat or spoken) could ever convey.


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