Thrust Club, sister, Death Cloud, Double Star
For the Motherland by Thrust Club Untitled by Death Cloud
Fully Celebrated Orchestra, Trinary System
Amplify the Amplifiers by Trinary System
Space Kase (Casey Opal), Sadha, OroborO, Sun Young
Sun Young by sun young Bright Castle by Sadha Baked Acid by OroborO
AD.UL.T, Great News, Volcano Kings, Pig Parts
No, thank you. by AD.UL.T American Fuzzy by Great News Mechanical Beast by Volcano Kings Demo by Pig Parts
Fully Celebrated Orchestra, Thalia Zedek, plus Magic by Joe Ledoux
Eve by Thalia Zedek Band
Karman Voh, Department of Everything, Arrot To, Ozlo
Ill Loam by Kármán Voh Monster In The Mirror by Department of Everything |demo by |Arrot To ozlo EP by ozlo
Bitter Wind, The Modern Voice, VAT, Arrot To @Midway
The Modern Voice LP by The Modern Voice Salvation by VAT Demo by Bitter Wind
Fur Purse, Thalia Zedek, Weather Weapon, Phurnne, Death Cloud @Midway
Celery Eggs EP by Fur Purse Eve by Thalia Zedek Band KELLY SLATER WHAT by Weather Weapon Western Ma. Sessions by Phurnne…
One For, Hollow Deck, Billy McShane, Victoria Shen @Midway
Our Lady of Sorrows by One For Hobson's Choice by Hollow Deck
Trim, Regal Oaks, Gigantic Ant, Contact Light @ Midway
Live from Boxford Cable Access Television by Regal Oaks Gigantic Ant by Gigantic Ant Unlikely Heroes by Contact Light