INTERVIEW: Director Kelsey Egan on ‘THE FIX’ and Engaging with Criticism
"YouTube and TikTok are the demise of cinema"
"YouTube and TikTok are the demise of cinema"
"This is how history continues its ongoing dialogue with the present."
"When you're acting, if you receive the right energy, you can keep going."
"I cannot think of a fictional story that eclipses the extraordinary quality of real life."
"I'm the conduit for the director for all the visual effects that they need to execute."
"This movie deals with a disaster, but the disaster itself is not the focus.
"We want to present much more nuanced and complicated stories that won’t necessarily make audiences comfortable.
IMPULSE screens 9/8 & 9/9 @ Coolidge
Part of the 27th Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival (Virtual)
Part of the 27th Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival (Virtual)
"Most people don’t know what they want to do, but this was it for me."
"It was a weird, rare, inspiring thing to work with a bonafide, honest-to-goodness auteur."