10:00 AM: Saturday Morning Cartoons (shorts)
12:00 PM: Fraud (2017) dir. Dean Fleischer-Camp, playing with Troll: A Southern Tale (dir. Marinah Janello)
1:30 PM: Neighborhood Food Drive (2017) dir. Jerzy Rose, playing with Discontinuity (dir. Lori Felker)
2:00 PM: Sound & Vision (shorts)
3:45 PM: Most Beautiful Island (2017) dir. Ana Asensio
4:00 PM: Don’t Look Back into the Sun (shorts)
7:00 PM: She’s Allergic to Cats (2016) dir. Michael Reich, playing with byefurnow (dir. Michael Elliott Dennis)
9:30 PM: The Void (2016) dir. Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kotanski, playing with An Eldritch Place (dir. Julien Jauniaux)
9:45 PM: Saint Bernard (2013) dir. Gabriel Bartalos