Senses: A New Performance Series featuring Milo Jones with projections by Douglas Urbank@ Internal Matter
Internal Matter 35 Channel Center Street Suite 100, Boston, MA, United StatesMommy Dear by Milo Jones
$ome Cost
Mommy Dear by Milo Jones
Geoff Mullen “New England Reverb” from Mike Stoltz on Vimeo. Music video for Geoff Mullen’s “New England Reverb” CRT feedback/VHS by Mike...
Ampersand is a collaborative monthly concert series hosted by WMBR & the List Visual Arts Center at MIT. Musicians perform in Bartos...
Masary Studios blends dance, percussion, and animated visuals. This interdisciplinary group brings immersive experience to places all around Boston. On May 6th...
Former DAP artist in Residence Allison Maria Rodriguez and Catherine Siller will be projecting video and performing together. Email Keaton Fox...