Harbinger of sonic exotica and connector of disparate sounds, Boston’s leading light of intellectual experimentation Non-Event presents ASHA TAMIRISA, a multimedia explorer and current doctoral student of ‘multimedia and electronic experiments’ at nearby Brown University. Tamirisa is also a member of OPENSIGNAL, a progressive group focused on the role of gender and race within the electronic / computer practices. Clearly Tamirisa’s thought a lot about contemporary electronic music, including its oft-overlooked social dimensions. She offers an intimate performance TONIGHT at the cozy Cafe Fixe in Brookline. Get caffeinated and open up those ears to something new.
Asha Tamirisa
-o-o-o-o-o- from Asha Tamirisa on Vimeo.
@ Café Fixe
Note: rescheduled from February 10, 2015.