Daniel Bachman’s presence brings warmth and hope and a deeper level of chill. His music is damn fine too. Some call it “American Primitive” but I prefer “heavenly acoustic shredding”. With either lapsteel or guitar as his chosen weapon Daniel will put you in a beauteous trance of guitar picking folklore, letting the strings tell the story. Similarly mystical will be mysterious Belgian folk ghost Ignatz who to my mind has never played around in the depths of the Boston underground. Many of us I know are particularly excited to see whatever noise and hypnosis Ignatz has in store for us this night. Plus new cat on the scene Squirrel Flower will surely woo you, if you’re a sucker for honest songwriting, heartfelt harmonies and soothing loops anyway. And local character Andrew Prouty does his own loop magic and secret guitar genius piece, this time joined by area player Nick Baker. It will be one lovely evening for sitting with your friends on the floor of the record store.
–Sam P.