The Boston Microtonal Society and New England Conservatory Theory Department present
Amber: A Concert of microtonal music for strings and flute
The Music Theory Department at NEC is comprised of a diverse faculty, including professional music theorists, composers, scholars in education and musicianship, and performers.
The Boston Microtonal Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the composition, performance and study of microtonal music. Since its creation in 1988, BMS has been devoted to raising awareness of the enhanced expressive possibilities that come from making new music with new musical intervals. For twenty-five years, BMS has pursued its mission through concerts, workshops, and classes in the Boston area and beyond.
Artun: New Work for String Quartet
Bergin: Seelenpein (Anguish of Mind)
Harvey: Lotuses
Van Herck: Amber
Werntz: Five Vignettes from the Garden by the Sea
Johnston: Quartet for Strings no 4 “Amazing Grace”
6:30 pm:
Pre-concert presentation and discussion: Julia Werntz presents her new manual
“Steps to the Sea: Ear Training and Composing in a Minute Equal Temperament,”
published in December 2014 in the book 1001 Microtones. (See more info here.)
8:00 pm:
Concert of microtonal music for strings and flute