“An Octoroon” is a revision of the original 19th century play, this time written by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins and performed in New England for the first time by Company One Theatre. It’s an important piece to see in our current social climate, exploring issues of race in the 1800s United States; which may not be as different from today as some might believe. The play is comedic, witty, and dramatic, making it a perfect combination for the theatre, and a perhaps new way in which to explore current national topics of race.
“An Octoroon” is a co-production with ArtsEmerson, Jackie Liebergott Black Box Theatre, and Paramount Center
Tickets are $15 for students with ID, or range from $25-$35
[Play] An Octoroon @ Jackie Liebergott Black Box Theatre (Boston) 8pm $15-$35 1/29-2/27